What a busy and fun filled start to the Summer Term!
Topic Work
We had a very exciting visit from Simon Airey, the ‘Animal Man’ at Corner Exotics! He brought to school a range of animals and insects for the children to experience in the interactive session. This learning was liked to our work on ‘What Matters to us in Nature?’ as part of our study of the Randalph the Wise, ‘Living with nature’ book. It gave the children a real-life experience of some animals they wouldn’t ordinarily see. We handled the animals and learnt about their habitats, different aspects of conservation and what really matters to the survival of some of these exotic creatures. The children all listened so enthusiastically and were respectful and brave when holding the wide range of animals from across the world.
We learnt how the animals have adapted and evolved over the tens of thousands of years and how, as humans we can do so much to protect the extinction of endangered species. A great afternoon had by all!
We also took part in a live lesson with Chester Zoo, learning about conservation and deforestation in rainforests. We learnt about what we can do to help the endangered species all around the world.
We turned into ‘Tree Explorers!’ when we took part in National Outdoor Learning Week. We took the time to identify a wide range of trees in our Forest School area and the children learned how to measure the age of a tree and to calculate how much water each tree needs per day to survive!
Health and Wellbeing
We’ve engaged with a range of assemblies this term, all providing us with useful help and advice to keep ourselves safe. These have included the NSPCC ‘Speak out, stay safe’ assembly, which taught us how to recognise various signs of abuse. The ‘Don’t Drink, Think’ puppet assembly, highlighted the dangers of alcohol. PC Hulley also came to talk to us about equality and inclusion and about the importance of being kind to everyone.
Fundraising and Christian Ethos
Thank you to everyone who bought a sock biscuit at the end of last term – we raised a total of £181 for the FrienDS support group in Wrexham. Diolch!
Our Christian Values for this half term has been ‘Service.’ Year 4 worked hard to create and share an assembly to the junior children, all about ‘Giving, with no strings attached.’ Part of our assembly involved performing a short drama sketch and asking the children to be detectives, to spot anyone who selflessly performs asks of service for others.