We appreciate that the next academic year seems a very long way ahead, but if your child has their 3rd birthday before 31st August 2025, they will be entitled to 5 morning or afternoon sessions a week in our nursery provision. Similarly, if your child is 4 before 31st August 2025, they will be entitled to full time provision.
We would love to welcome you to come and see why you should make St. Mary’s Overton your first choice primary school. Contact us for more information on 01978 710370 or by email mailbox@stmarys-overton-pri.wrexham.sch.uk to arrange a visit at a mutually convenient time.

As applications for a place in Nursery for September 2025 open on 6th January and close on 17th February – why not come and see our Foundation Learning department in action before you apply?
Come and meet our amazing staff and children, experience our indoor and outdoor learning areas and get a feel for what St. Mary’s could offer your family.
We were awarded ‘Outstanding Conservation School’ by The National Conservation Education awards at a glittering ceremony at Chester Zoo this Summer and are absolutely thrilled with such an incredible accolade.

Our children in the upper junior classes have received training from Active Wrexham in a range of games suitable for playtime at school. They support the play of younger children by teaching them the traditional playground games, some with a slightly more modern twist, and help them to develop their own games and activities too.
Our Tesco Award of £1375 from the ‘Stronger Starts Grant’ has enabled us to provide equipment such as skipping ropes, balls and hula hoops. Large playground clock faces, sensory equipment, hopscotch and marble game markings permanently painted on the playground will also be purchased with this grant funding. This project will help make our playtimes really happy times as part of our well-being approach.
Our very active PTA this year raised £3221.00 from 6 events which will fund ICT equipment, a PA system and subscription to a range of online learning support for each child in school.

‘Pupils benefit from working in the school’s extensive and stimulating outdoor environment including Forest School’ – Estyn Inspection 2023
‘Children are happy at school and form strong relationships with adults and one another’ – Estyn Inspection 2023