Here we are in the midst of a wonderful Autumn term and what a lot of fun we have had so far. We have been using the beautiful book The Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane as a whole school each with our own interpretation. From Acorn to Weasel: it is a gorgeous, hand-illustrated, large-format spell book celebrating the magic and wonder of the natural world and we have been looking at ferns and more recently otters too.
Children have loved being back in the woods and the wild at forest school and enjoying our outdoor learning session where we have created poetry based on our senses and with the sounds that were carried on the wind.
Our role play area is set up as a ‘Botany Corner’ where children can draw and study plants and leaves using a range of artist’s media. They have used pencils, water colours and recently charcoal to draw their studies of fern and feathers and loved our immersive experience with ferns projected on the wall, ferns to move with and explore and woodland inspired classical music.
In jigsaw, our PSHE scheme, we have made rules for living together in our class, we have talked about how we like to learn and how we learn best. We have thought about what we are good at and how we work better as a team too. We have learnt about each other’s like and dislikes and have been working on our one-page profiles together also.
In maths we have been using non-standard measures to measure classroom items, our shoes and have made a display of our heights using pieces of string. We have also looked at making patterns with natural materials, colours and shapes.
In PE we have explored team games and working on our listening skills and body control with creative movement and recently we have experienced using the large apparatus in the hall – the wall bars, balance beams, ropes and we are loving every single minute too!
Looking forward to the rest of the term together.