Croeso i Blwyddyn Pedwar/Year 4.
Well, what an action packed, fun filled start to the Autumn Term! The children have settled into Year 4 brilliantly and with great enthusiasm. We’ve had a busy Half Term and have used the Poetry Spell Book ‘The Lost Words’ by Robert McFarlane as a stimulus for our topic work. The children have taken inspiration and have written a range of kenning poems, all about various woodland animals. They have also enjoyed creating beautiful artwork to accompany their poems, using a range of mediums – from sketching to watercolours!
We have thought about the Christian Value Thankfulness this Half Term, and the children wrote and delivered an assembly, based on what we are thankful to God for creating. We also celebrated Harvest in Church and worked with Year 3 to present our part of the Service, sharing our acrostic poem all about Harvest. We also performed the traditional song ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy.’ The children showed great generosity, we collected donations to share with Wrexham Food Bank as part of our Service.
Year 4 have taken part in a number of workshops this half term, including ‘Three: A Magic Number’ with Xplore! they learnt all about how the number 3 links with both Science and Religion. We also welcomed our School Police Liaison Officer, PC Hulley into school. She came to talk to the children about the dangers of the sinister substances, alcohol, tobacco, and solvents. The children engaged well with the workshop and are now able to identify and spot the dangers of such substances.
As part of our whole school introduction to learning Spanish as a modern language, children took part in ‘Spanish Week’. We took part in a wide range of activities, including, learning the footwork steps involved in Flamenco Dancing, creating our own artwork taking inspiration from Pablo Picasso, learning and singing Spanish songs, using basic greetings and numbers and the best bit of all – tasting traditional Spanish tapas! It was great to see the children so enthusiastic about learning a new modern language and we are excited to continue on our new language journey!
We have also loved getting back to our Forest School sessions and have enjoyed spotting the signs of Autumn in our woodland area. This year, we are taking part in the ‘Spring Bulbs for Schools’ project and are helping the scientist Professor Plant by adopting our own spring bulbs and investigating how the changing seasons are affecting Spring flowers. We have planted our bulbs so will now be getting busy recording and monitoring their growth during the coming months. Watch this space for updates…!