At St. Mary’s, we are proud to offer the children a wide range of sporting opportunities. From swimming to rugby, we understand the importance of encouraging our children to be healthy and active.
Children in Year 5 have had the opportunity to take part in ‘Play Together’ training from Matthew at the Active Wrexham Team and are now qualified to run small games sessions during playtimes at school. The children have developed their leaderships skills and will work in groups to deliver safe, fun, and inclusive playground activities to the younger children in school. We are excited to see the children develop in their roles and see them shine as inspirational leaders at school.
We are running our Football and Netball After School Clubs this term. Many of our Junior children take part and enjoy both developing their skills and playing in matches – it’s great to see the children play with such enthusiasm and determination!
Our school football team attended the Ellesmere College Football Tournament, where, playing teams from much larger schools, they came second in their group and only narrowly lost on penalties in the semi-final. They went onto win the Plate final and were presented with a trophy and medals. Well done!